Vambug TF

You had your roommate by your side, you had been exploring an abandoned mansion, only lit up by the sunlight outside, with spiderwebs everywhere. It was at this point the two of you were heading back home.

You feel a sharp stinging pain near the bottom of your leg, and as you looked back to see what it was, nothing was there but some bite marks... and a small black thing scurrying away.

You wince, "Ack! ...Did you see that?" "...See what?" they reply. "Never mind," you mumble.

You continue on and leave. It takes time for your eyes to adjust to the sunlight after being in that dark mansion for so long. As you head to your roommate’s car with them, you keep having to stop to sneeze. You shrug it off as allergies, but it’s never been this bad. You open the door and sit down. They insert a key into the car, starting it up, before they push the pedal down and start driving.

As you watch the rolling hills out the window, you start to feel an odd feeling within your gut, similar to the kind you’d feel when on a roller coaster. You feel two appendages sprout out from your forehead, brushing and tickling against your hair, while you feel a third eye on your forehead beginning to open for the first time.

Your pupils begin to grow, permanently hiding away the iris of all of your eyes, leaving your eyes with an almost googly eye-like appearance. You only take notice once you find that your head is merging down into your torso, as your entire body begins shrinking. You scream and your roommate immediately pulls over.

Your roommate can’t help but blurt out, “What’s happening to you, this isn’t normal!”

You watch as your hands thin out, becoming wobbly and twig-like, as your fingers merge together and your thumb recedes into nothing, leaving you with 3 tiny claws on each hand. Opaque black fuzz spreads across your skin, hiding any semblance of the human you once were.

“Your hands, they're turning into claws! And your skin... it's all fuzzy!”

Panicked and confused, you cry out, “Huh?! What’s happening to me?”

“It’s not just your hands!” they continue, “Look at your legs!”

You glance down and see your once-solid legs splitting into four, with 2 thin, spider-like legs sprouting out from each. The black fuzz continues spreading, covering your new spindly legs. You try moving them, but they feel wobbly and unsteady.

You feel a sharp pain in your teeth, causing you to clench your jaw tightly. Your roommate notices and asks “What’s happening now?!”

You try to respond, only for your words to come out slurred, “I-I… mmy teeth,” you stutter, struggling to speak properly.

They take a closer look, and as they do, they notice your canines grow sharper and longer. You grit your teeth, feeling your gums stretching and your teeth reshaping.

Through your gritted teeth, you manage to say “It hurts… make it stop.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how I can help you..! Hopefully it’ll be over soon…”

The changes begin to slow down. You sit in shock for what feels like ages. After a few minutes of silence, you try to explain that you two need to head home, but it comes out as “Ve need to go home,” you stutter, “Ve need-”

You find yourself unable to pronounce it properly, as your fangs obstruct your lips, preventing you from forming the right sound. You experiment a bit, but every attempt leads you into making a “V” sound instead.

Despite your changes, they nod in agreement, and they start the car again, you grow filled with nausea and dizziness, unfamiliar with your new perspective. Everything towers over you, strange and distorted. You’re not sure how much longer you can hold on, and yet you keep telling yourself that you’ll be okay and that you’ll be home soon.

Your roommate drives into the parking lot, with you two getting out to enter the apartment building. With them by your side, you scurry through the doors.

“You know I could just hold you.” Your roommate offers, as you climb up the stairs.

At first, it embarrasses you, but you decide that it would be best to agree, “Alright,” you chirp.

Your roommate picks you up, with you on their palm. In embarrassment, you hold your twig-like hands over your face. After they walk up to your room, they bring their hand down, letting you hop onto the itchy carpet. They unlock the door, letting you two walk in.

You look up at everything you once found familiar, feeling a sense of panic rising in your gut, your eyes darting around the room, with everything towering over you. You feel an odd urge to scurry and hide, but you know you’re safe with your roommate. You try to collect yourself. “Deep breaths,” you tell yourself. Your roommate looks at you with concern, unsure of how they can help.

Your roommate kneels down and asks, “You feeling alright?”

You shake your head, feeling a lump in your throat, “I don’t know…” you squeak. “I’m not even sure vhat I am anymore”

Your roommate frowns “I’m sure we’ll figure this out, but let’s just focus on getting some rest.”

You look around, before you crawl over to the couch, before clambering up and onto it, laying down with your side against the spongy fabric cushions. You stare at your hands. In place of the hands that you once took for granted, were replaced by pitch-black scrawny talon-­like claws.

You look up at the TV, the screen is black with nothing but your reflection showing back at you. You can't help but feel odd looking back at an unfamiliar pitch-black critter, fuzzy and spherical like a cotton ball, with 6 spindly limbs and 2 antennae sticking out from its body. Three eyes are laid across their face and a white, fanged mouth. You shudder as you realize that’s you now. Your roommate sits down next to you in an effort to comfort you.

“I said this earlier, but trust me, we’ll figure this out.” they rub their palm against your fuzz, “And hey, you’re still you, you’re just small and fuzzy.”

You sighed, “I know, but this is just so… veird. I don’t even know how to feel about this. I mean- I feel so vulnerable. Everything is so different… How am I going to do anything?”

“We’ll figure it out. We’ll take it one step at a time. Maybe I can find someone who has experience in mutations like this?”

“Maybe… but vhat if I’m stuck like this forever? Vhat if I’ll never be a human again?”

“We’ll figure that out later on. For now, lets just focus on helping you get used to your new form.”

“Yeah… I don’t know how I’ll get used to having four legs though.”

“I’m sure you’ll get used to it. And who knows, perhaps there are some perks to this. Maybe you could like- climb up walls or something.”

You chuckle, “Yeah, that might be fun. Thanks for making me feel better.”

You yawn, opening your fanged mouth all the way, making your eyes teary. You look at the window and the color of the sky is like your fur. You decide to crawl over to a pillow, resting your soft body on it.

“Night,” you tell your roommate.

“Good night! I should start heading to bed as well…” they respond.

You hear the sounds of birds chirping from outside the window. You open your eyes, feeling like the world is spinning around you. Pushing down on the couch with your flimsy claws, you get up on your feet, panicking before you remember what happened the other day.

“Good morning!” your roommate said.

“Oh, hey,” you replied.

“So I found a doctor experienced in mutations similar enough to yours.”

You chirp, “Really?”

“Yeah, I told them we’d be there in at 11 AM.”

You check the clock, “It looks like ve should start heading there now.”

“Yeah, good thinking,” They pull out a bag, “You can stay in this.”

You nod, before you jump in and you two start moving. After a while of driving, you arrive. You and your roommate walk into a tall building, walking upstairs before you head into a specific room. A doctor calls you in, leading you into another room, and letting you sit down.

“So wheres the specimen you were telling me about?” they inquire.

"Sp-Specimen?" you think.

“Oh, they’re right here!” Your roommate gently pats your fuzz.

“Hmm… This is definitely a unique case, don’t worry, I’ve helped patients in similar situations. Do you remember how this happened?”

You chime in “Yeah… We vere exploring and I think something bit me, I’m not sure vhat it vas though.”

“...Where were you exploring exactly?”

“Hmm… It vas an old abandoned mansion… Vait- There vas a small black thing skittering avay after I got bit! I didn’t get a good glimpse at it though…”

The doctor thinks for a bit, “Would you say that it resembled what you look like now?”

You look at the mirror and think of the creature you saw, “...Yeah.”

“Just as I thought. I’ll get a small sample of your venom in that case.”

They open a cabinet, pulling out a small syringe. You panic for a bit, but you do your best to stay still.

“Don’t worry. It shouldn’t hurt too much. Open wide!” They say, before injecting the syringe into your mouth. They pull it out, telling you “That wasn’t so bad, was it? You did great.” They label it and put it in a container. “We’ll take a closer look at this venom in the lab.”

As they prepare to move to the next part of the examination, the doctor asks you “How are you feeling? Are you ready to continue?”

“Yeah,” you reply. “Alright,” they say “Just a few more tests to go.”

Finally, after completing all of the necessary tests and procedures, the doctor takes a deep breath before speaking. “I suspect that the venomous bite you mentioned was the cause for your transformation,” they begin. “We’ll have to take a closer look at it in the lab, but it’s possible that it may have caused some irreversible changes to your genetic makeup.”

Your heart sank, you glance at your roommate, and they look just as worried as you.

The doctor continues, “We’ll keep you updated on our findings, but for now, there’s something I’d recommend for you.”

They grab a note and a pencil and begin writing. They hand the note to you. It reads an address and time. “Luckily, I know of a support group for people like you who’ve lost their humanity. They meet every Friday at 6 PM.”

“Thanks.” You say, taking it and giving it to your roommate, "We could head there this afternoon."

“That seems nice,” your friend replies, “We should do it!”

As you two leave the doctor's office and head outside, you feel mixed emotions. It makes you feel better that you’re not alone, but the fact this could be permanent is devastating.

That afternoon, when you’re heading to the address given by the doctor, you feel somewhat apprehensive. What if the others are too far gone in their mutations? What if they can’t relate to your experience?

Despite your doubts, you and your roommate walk up to the door the address led you to. Your roommate knocks on the door. After a moment, the door opens, and you see a face with 6 eyes, all staring directly at your roommate.

She smiles, revealing her shark-like teeth, “Hello! What brings you here?”

Your roommate takes a step back, startled a bit by the blimp-like creature. She’s almost as tall as them, round and bulbous with 2 motors by her sides. She floats a foot off the ground, with her 4 small, crab-like legs dangling from the bottom of her body.

“...O-Oh, my friend recently went through a transformation, We were told that we should see you!”

“...Where are they?” the blimp-like creature politely asks.

“Here!” You squeak as you scurry around, standing in front of your friend.

She looks down at you, “Oh, sorry! I didn’t see you. Anyway- Come on in, you two!” They glide over, leading the two of you into the room. You walk behind them, your feet against the soft gray carpet. Your roommate walks behind you, closing the door behind them.

“So you veren’t alvays… vhatever you are,” you ask.

“You can call me a blimp, and yeah, I used to be a human, like you I assume.”

“So how did you become a blimp if you don’t mind me asking?” You ask.

“Oh, great question actually! I used to be a party planner.” She said, “One day, while setting up for a particularly grand celebration. I found a unique set of balloons that I’d never seen before! I bought them, and without thinking too much, I started inflating em and setting em up around the room.”

“As the party started, it was going great, but then those balloons from earlier… They began to glow and emit a strange gas! Everyone ran out, except for me who couldn’t get out in time. The gas caused me to rapidly grow in size, and before I knew it, I looked like this!”

“At first, I felt vulnerable, terrified and alone, probably like you, but soon I found myself surrounded by others who had gone through similar transformations to mine! We formed a tight-knit community and learned to embrace our new forms, and so here I am now!”

“Ooh, I never vould have expected that something like this vould be so common.”

She nods in agreement, “Definitely, I was surprised as well! There’s so many ways things like these can happen, and it’s not always easy to predict or control.”

“Yeah, and oh, I haven’t got your name! Vhat is it?”

“Olivia, what’s yours?” You tell them your name and she smiles, “That’s a nice name.” She extends one of her crab-like legs towards you, gesturing to shake your hand. It’s a little bit awkward, but you shake it anyway. “Why don’t you say ‘Hi’ to everyone else?” she asks.

You take a deep breath and turn to face the rest of the group, “Hi, everyvone.” you say, feeling self-conscious, yet excited to meet all the new and unique creatures that you’ll meet.